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The aim of NET Academies Trust is to promote and lead innovative practice in our schools and classrooms to help raise educational outcomes for all pupils.

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Science Planning and Assessment

Pupils regularly retrieve knowledge from memory to help them remember and organise their knowledge. This is coupled with feedback. Teachers think carefully about what pupils are being asked to retrieve and whether this prioritises the most important content.

Systems are in place to support teachers to make accurate decisions when assessing pupils’ work. This includes:

  • Supporting teachers with statutory teacher assessment of science at key stage 1 and 2.
  • Quizzes undertaken at the beginning and end of each topic, to monitor knowledge gained throughout the unit. 
  • Recap and Recall at the beginning of each lesson, to recall knowledge learnt in previous lessons, units and year groups.
  • Mini Plenaries during lessons to assess knowledge gained.
  • ‘Three-part Plenary’ at the end of each lesson to  challenge children to question beyond their learning and discuss what they could be learning next – how could they extend their knowledge further?
  • Book monitoring/Pupil Book Studies.